The New York Times published this article that speaks about the atmosphere as a "bathtub" that has a partially clogged drain. The bathtub is filled to the brim with CO2 (think water) and we, the people, are overflowing the tub with our "prodigious" tub inflow of human CO2.
Fair enough. But let's take a look at some numbers to get the whole "bathtub" thingy into perspective. An average tub holds 40 gallons. Part of that 40 gallons in our make believe tub of CO2 is our own man-made CO2. How much is man-made? Well, CO2 in the atmosphere is 395 parts per million, which equals 0.03950%. Say our portion of that CO2 is 3% and that translates to 11.85 parts per million (.001185%). That means for our 40 gallon bathtub of CO2, we are talking about a trivial 6.07 ounces of human CO2 in the 40 gallon tub. (Well, we definitely aren't going to drown in our own CO2, that's for sure.)
Of course though, we can't forget the tub is filled and it has a partially blocked drain and we are adding human CO2 each year to it. How much human CO2 are we adding to this tub each year? Well, if we are pumping human CO2 into the atmosphere, on average, at a rate of 1.5% per year, then we would be adding just a mind-boggling 0.09 ounces (9/100's of a single ounce) per year to the old tub. The good news is that the "drain" is not totally clogged, and a portion 0.09 ounces finds its way back to a carbon sink...yep, the bathroom also has a sink. To finish off this CO2 bathtub in the bathroom overflowing scare, over the next 100 years, we humans would add approximately 9.1 ounces of CO2 to the 40 gallons, but again some of that will drain out naturally over time.
So, for the catastrophic prospect of a 9.1 ounce overflow 100 years from now, Obama is going to cut off the flow of our bathtub CO2, thus making the bathroom unusable and the house unsaleable. And tax us more for the privilege of doing so. Trillions of dollars spent to mitigate 9.1 ounces instead of using monies to adapt the bathroom and the house to survive this overflow. (Supposedly, the person who devised this bathtub concept is helping to educate Obama and his team - God help us.)
Below is image of CO2 numbers and their percentages of atmosphere. A close review will reveal that man-made CO2 of atmosphere is incredibly small by volume. Note that cutting the annual growth of human CO2 emissions by 80% will have little, if any, impact on volume of CO2 in the atmosphere. (Click image to enlarge.)