There are 20 U.S. states that are global-warming 'rogue' states. These states are increasing their surface temperatures in an uncontrolled manner, causing more heat to be radiated to the atmosphere, thus causing more global warming for the remaining U.S. states, and for the rest of the world. Should these rogue states and their elected officials be held accountable? Should these states pay reparations for the annual 300,000 global warming deaths that Kofi Annan says they are responsible for? Should these states pay for hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons like Katrina? Pay for the relocation of the Maldive citizens and other island refugees? Pay the Wall Street bankers that face 20 meter flooding in near future? Should Waxman-Markey 'Cap & Trade' legislation be immediately applied to these rogue states to reign in their warming prolificacy?
Based on the National Climatic Data Center annual mean temperatures, starting with 1895 and through 2008, the rogue AGW states were identified. For comparison purposes, the remaining 28 continental U.S. (non-rogue) states have been listed. (click to enlarge)
Prior to reparations, and/or International Court prosecution of elected state officials as world climate-change criminals, these rogue states may have a quick solution to changing their status. How so? Read on by clicking below......
It is highly likely that any state in the "AGW-rogue" list has a historical temperature database that is significantly inaccurate. Here are some steps towards correction that all states' officials should pursue, and hopefully, would result in world redemption and avoidance of both prosecution and large reparation liabilities:
1. Federal sponsored climate scientists have been "adjusting" many urban/rural actual temperatures upward to make the case that global warming is occurring, thus assuring themselves more federal research monies for "global warming." Each rogue state should demand a review of historical temperatures for their state, and specifically request an analysis of all temperature "adjustments" made. If adjustments appear to be without valid scientific cause, demand the offending upward temperature adjustments be lowered or removed. Why should any state accept being put in harm's way by scientists and federal officials operating with ulterior motives?
2. Over the past decades, many rural weather stations have become, in reality, actual urban stations due to new development surrounding them. States that have these "urbanized" station should demand that historical temperatures recorded since urbanization be adjusted downward due to the large impact of the Urban Heat Island phenomenon.
3. The federal government, and responsible climate scientists, have done an atrocious job of maintaining weather stations. Over 85% of all weather stations fail minimum quality standards set by the U.S. government, thus creating a situation of having a majority of climate stations reporting higher temperatures than actually occur. Every rogue state should visit to quickly determine which U.S. managed weather station sites within their states fall below minimum standards. States should demand that any poorly maintained/sited station have its historical temperature adjusted downward, in addition to demanding said stations being replaced with state-of-the-art equipment.
Of course, there are no guarantees, but if rogue U.S. states took these simple actions immediately, they may well join the rarefied atmosphere of global-cooling contributors that world-class states such as Alabama and Mississippi already enjoy!