Read here. As a follow up to our previous posting, we wanted to help out the truth-challenged who are blogging on climate change in Minnesota. This meteorologist contributing to the NPR station's blog in Minnesota decided to share with his readers a temperature/CO2 graph he found on the amateur Wikipedia web site, circa the 1990's. Then he turns to the infamous NASA GISS temperature chart that even the 2nd-in-command at GISS distances himself from. As it stands, most experts concur that NASA's temperature charts have serious warming-bias issues.
With that said, let's take a look at the real "global warming" in the U.S. and Minnesota since 1998. These charts are produced at the U.S. National Climate Data Center's web site, as of today. As one can observe, the U.S. is doing huge global cooling and Minnesota has going for it 'global-frigid' conditions (note: don't worry Minnesotians, trends change, and this one will, we hope).
What do these charts say? Well, for one, public radio and TV sources are not even close to being reliable sources of current, accurate information regarding climate change and global cooling - literally, don't trust what they "report." (click images to enlarge)