Read here. The Climategate emails and files from UAE-CRU has provided the evidence that scientists are cooking the data books and intimidating science journals not to publish AGW skeptic research. The leaked data has also provided insight at how incredibly unprofessional the software and supporting data has been created and maintained.
NASA shuttles, with a handful of humans, requires pristine software code and modeling. Likewise, if trillions of dollars are supposedly required to save billions of humans from climate change, then the supporting software and climate modeling programming has to also be pristine, stripped of all unprofessional coding and built-in programmer biases similar to those the CRU software was laden with. The only way to accomplish this is to have an open peer-review process that will go through the climate model code line-by-line, with thousands collaborating via the Internet.
It's the bare minimum the "world's leaders" at Copenhagen should demand of the climate scientific community, now that the deep-seated scientific Climategate fraud has been exposed.