The last few days has seen much written about the incredible Machiavellian machinations a preeminent group of UN-IPCC climate scientists has conducted over the last decade, with their objective being the swaying of public opinion and politicians that a global warming induced climate change crisis is an imminent catastrophe. A fair summary of these Machiavellian gyrations and subterfuge, as revealed by the publication of secret emails and data files, would be:
- First, a real attempt by a small group of scientists to subvert the [scientific] peer-review process and suppress dissenting voices. This is at best massively unethical.
- Second, a willingness to manipulate the data to make a political case. This is certainly misconduct and possibly scientific fraud. This, if it proves true, should make these scientists subject to strong disciplinary action, even termination of their tenured positions.
- Third, what gives every appearance of an actual conspiracy to prevent data from being released as required by the Freedom of Information Acts in the US and UK. If this is proven true, that is a federal crime.
The above three points are from this source, and here are additional sources that may be helpful in keeping abreast of and understanding the Climategate scandal:
Read here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
As the vast majority of global warming skeptics have claimed, the climate science emanating from the IPCC regarding "unprecedented" global warming would not be able to withstand the critical and robust scientific scrutiny that a proper and open scientific process affords. As it now has been revealed by the secret emails and data files, the actual climate scientist proponents of the IPCC global warming science effort came to the exact same conclusion as the skeptics: the IPCC global warming science was definitely not robust, and the underlying data and programs could never be allowed to see the light of day or be provided for an honest, critical scrutiny and assessment by the scientific community.
What one can now safely conclude from this IPCC scientific fiasco and fraud conspiracy is that no one should be frightened about an imminent climate crisis caused by human CO2 emissions. The unprecedented/accelerating global warming that was to percipitate this fantastic crisis does not exist in reality.