Read here and here. An enlightening aspect of the Climategate conspiracy/fraud scandal is the large number of climate science "professionals" involved. In the situation of not responding to a legal and legitimate request for science data and information regarding published, peer-reviewed research, the below turkeys appear to have condoned the multiple actions to prevent the release of requested information from happening.
(Names listed are from the actual Climategate e-mails contained in the linked article above.)One can only surmise that these turkeys came to the conclusion that the climate data they were refusing to release was not robust enough to withstand normal scientific scrutiny. What other rationale could there be for their condoning the illegal prevention of releasing the simple data requested by the article's author - for goodness sakes, it was only a list of climate stations used in their own research. Talk about incredibly poor judgment, and what must be the combined IQ's matching a turkey brain.
Are these the climate "Turkeys" that will be on the chopping block? Will their necks be spared if they start squawking (or whatever turkeys do)? Happy Thanksgiving, boys & girls! Roast well in the oven you placed yourselves in.
Anjuli Bamzai
Ben Santer
Bill Goldstein
Carl Mears
Caspar Ammann
Cherry Murray
David Bader
David Holland
Doug Nychka
Doug Rotman
Eugene Wahl
Frank Wentz
Gavin Schmidt
George Miller
Glenn McGregor
John Lanzante
Karen Owen
Karl Taylor
Keith Briffa
Leopold Haimberger
Malcolm Hughes
Melissa Free
Michael Mann
Pat Berge
Peter Gleckler
Peter Thorne
Philip Jones
Raymond Pierrehumbert
Raymond Bradley
Sharon Leduc
Steve Klein
Steven Schneider
Steven Sherwood
Susan Solomon
Thomas Karl
Thomas Peterson
Tim Osborne
Tom Keenan
Tom Wigley
Tomas Diaz De La Rubia
Wei-Chyung Wang