Read here. As previous experts have found, promoting increased production of biofuels has many negatives, including:
- Produce little or no additional energy.
- Can damage vehicle engines not designed to run on ethanol.
- Result in greater CO2 emissions than fossil fuel.
- Causes rising food prices either directly or by competing with food crops.
- Encourage clearing of forest lands.
- Increase use of fertilizer leading to greater runoff and NOx emissions.
- Produce less energy than simply burning the biomass to produce electricity
- Are only commercially viable with government subsidies and forced use mandates.
Now add 20,000 gallons of fresh water needed for a single gallon of biofuel as another large negative that scientists have documented. This incredibly stupid idea for biofuel energy has been legislated by Congress, renowned globally for its corruption by lobbyists, and, of course, its amazing scientific idiocy. Letting these same people make any decisions on CO2 emissions, global warming and/or climate change legislation and regulation is another disaster that can be avoided - starting in 2010, all politicians supporting 'cap & trade' policies need to be voted out of office.