Read here, here, here, here, here, and here. Ever more interested researchers are making the effort to closely analyze the original, unadjusted climate data. Why now? Climategate has revealed to the world the extensive collusion and conspiracy efforts to fraudulently change the actual climate data that is being presented to policymakers as "settled" science. This IPCC sanctioned....
(condoned?) fraud ultimately has led to the Copenhagen COP15 climate change fiasco that is presently taking place.
The new analysis of original temperature data keeps finding results that prove "man-made" global warming has happened but not the 'human CO2 causes warming' variety that regulatory agencies and bureaucrats love and embrace. Instead, case after case is revealing that the Climategate data fraud of creating "hockey stick" temperature records in order to mislead policymakers and the public goes well beyond the cubicle walls of the UK's Climate Research Unit (CRU).
Before spending trillions and putting the global economy in a death spiral, national policymakers should first step back from the brink and have all original climate data audited and re-analyzed for their respective countries. That's part one of a new solution to eliminating the large, bogus man-made global warming problem. Part two is to determine what really is the trend (warming or cooling) based on clean data records. Then based on that better understanding of present climate conditions, a new framework of multiple solutions can be built, not in a crisis-is-imminent mode mentality, but in a sober, rational approach mode. That's the only way to rebuild the lost credibility and trustworthiness of the entire climate science initiative that was lost when the foundation of fraudulent temperature data started to crumble.