Read Pt.1, here. As the global warming alarmist lies grew in breadth and scope in the years leading up to the Copenhagen climate conference, ever more individuals became less convinced. The unrelenting lies designed to convince the public of a looming climate catastrophic crisis had the opposite effect, causing a huge growth in public skepticism.
As skepticism grew, the Climategate scientists felt compelled to literally manufacture global warming evidence that portrayed modern warming as "unprecedented." The result was the totally bogus hockey stick temperature chart that became the first clear indication that the climate science community had very seriously veered off the rails of objectivity and integrity.
Despite what can be best described as "hockey stick" malfeasance, the actual historical paleo information was not about to cede truth to the UN's IPCC climate charlatans. For example, below are temperature graphs from Antarctica and Greenland ice cores that clearly and unambiguously show that modern temperatures are not in any fashion "unprecedented." In addition, here are multiple charts from other peer-reviewed studies that belie the obvious attempt at temperature fraud that the hockey stick represented. Although Al Gore, Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Waxman, Lindsey Graham and other big government, liberal-leftist politicians continue to claim modern temperatures are "unprecedented," all the real climate science evidence easily refutes that big lie. (click on images below to enlarge)