Read here. "Alligators basking off Sweden"? Can you imagine being represented by such blithering idiots? Either the UK populace is incredibly dense, or it's a case of the UK leaders being so revenue starved they will say anything. As we revealed in a previous chart, and again do so in the one below, UK modern temperatures are nothing out of the ordinary. The CET (Central England Temperatures) represent a compilation of temperatures from multiple weather stations. It should be remembered that the 18th century was the time of the Little Ice Age and the 20th century represents a period of rebound warming. From Wilson Flood, the individual who did the century comparisons:
- “Summers in the second half of the 20th century were warmer than those in the first half [of 20th century] and it could be argued that this was a global warming signal. However, the average CET summer temperature in the 18th century was 15.46 degC while that for the 20th century was 15.35 degC. Far from being warmer due to assumed global warming, comparison of actual temperature data shows that UK summers in the 20th century were cooler than those of two centuries previously.”