Read here. Obama's Copenhagen climate solution turned out to be a cruel joke, causing a literal fiasco. Recognizing that failure, it now appears Obama will be adopting the Bush strategy. How bad is that for his fanatical, global warming alarmist, UN world government supporters? It's way bad, and now it's reeeaaaaly a cruel turn of events for Bush-haters.
"So now what? It turns out that President George W. Bush has already paved the way for President Obama. In September 2007, Bush convened the Major Economies Meeting on Energy Security and Climate Change in Washington, D.C. The meeting included representatives from the world’s 16 biggest economies....President Bush urged the representatives to set a long term goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and argued that the best way to address climate change was through developing low-carbon energy technologies....the Obama administration convened the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate. Obama’s forum membership is identical to Bush’s meeting membership...the Obama administration will sideline the cumbersome United Nations climate negotiations is “impossible to imagine a negotiation of enormous complexity where you have a table of 192 countries involved in all the detail." So instead, the Obama administration and leaders of the other major economies will negotiate among themselves how each of them will address man-made global warming."
Let's hope China sabotages this attempt at energy and economic control also.