In recent news, NASA/GISS has been trumpeting that the decade ending 2009 was the warmest ever (since 1880) to much fanfare and the continuous repetition by the MSM reporters. For many, GISS claiming anything about their heavily manipulated and fabricated temperatures generates a natural skeptical response. For other knowledgeable persons, the warming is of no surprise since the Earth has been warming from the cessation of the Little Ice Age. It is more than obvious the latest decade should be the warmest based on, well....the obvious - it just naturally happens.
As the GISS scientists seem to be constantly propagandizing that this day, this week, this month, this year, this whatever is always the "warmest" and is thus leading to "unprecedented" temperature change and "runaway" temperature trends, then this past "warmest" decade, when put into context, should clearly indicate all these fears are legitimate, not hype. To test for the hype hypothesis, we use the NCDC global decadal temperatures (instead of the GISS maladjusted temperatures) and respective CO2 level per cent changes below. It's no surprise to skeptics that a different picture is revealed versus the B.S. that GISS and the MSM are constantly shoveling. (click image to enlarge)
As the graph depicts, the "warmest" decade does not quite cut the thresholds of "unprecedented" or the "runaway" propaganda that is being constantly pushed. And, it's no wonder the GISS folks really don't want to tell the MSM about the nasty warm 1930's which has a larger temperature increase, or the the 1950's, or even the second decade of the 20th century, which also had a hefty temperature increase - unfortunately, it ruins the whole meme about the past decade. Another interesting aspect of the chart is the relationship between percentage increases for CO2 levels and actual temperature changes across a decade. As one can observe, there really is no relationship, which is a definite embarrassment for GISS management and the bogus "human CO2 is causing temperatures to increase" AGW hypothesis.