As the chart below reveals, temperatures over the last 130 years have been increasing at a 0.57°C per century rate. For the last 10 years, the rate per century has been 0.68°C. Global warming alarmists, such as the MIT climate model scientists, claim temperatures will jump +7.0°C by 2100. In order to reach that temperature level, temperatures will have to increase at a 0.76°C per decade rate (that equals a 7.60°C per century rate). That's over 10 times greater than has been experienced in the last ten years. Putting aside the climate model predictions; looking at the graph instead; and then applying some common sense, there is no way that type of temperature outcome is going to happen. It's all hype to generate press stories, to raise research funding and to cause public fear. (click on image to enlarge)
Additional current temp charts here. Historical temp charts here.