Read here. As many will recognize the tree, the California bristlecones are notoriously used by hockey stick scientists because they will, well,....always produce a nice looking hockey stick, which global warming scientists are enamored with. This has become common knowledge and well documented, and has discredited much of the past research that used these trees. With that said, one can see that the below graph does not have a "hockey stick" and it does have a Medieval Warming Period.
"This history began in the midst of the Medieval Warm Period, which extended, in our estimation, to approximately AD 1430. During this interval there were several periods when tree-ring width indices were more than double those experienced over the final decades of the 20th century; and in a couple of instances they were even three times greater."
Bristlecone fans wonder why no hockey stick? Why a Medieval Warming Period? (click on image to enlarge)
This study is based on a new and much larger sample of bristlecone trees. The previous bristlecone research that was used in all the prior hockey stick studies dates back to the 1980s. There has been no other explanations as to why the new data has significantly different results from the original bristlecone study. (This new study is not a multiproxy, but a study based solely on bristlecones.)
Multi-proxy research authors who are paid to find global warming continue to use old bristlecone data from the 80's for their new research instead of this latest bristlecone data. Surprised?