Read here. This book covered many of the "Team's" efforts (duties?) that resulted in corrupting the peer-review process; evading compliance with FOIA requests that they were obligated to comply with; and, "hiding" what their research data actually indicated about warming during the late 20th century. The book did not cover though the Team effort to produce propaganda supporting global warming alarmism meme. The Climategate emails do reveal that effort (duties?) also.
The most recent scientist(s) propaganda effort to influence policymakers is presently unraveling with the new Glaciergate expose. The safest conclusion at this juncture is not to trust any scientist who expresses confidence ("consensus") in the science of CO2-AGW. They appear all to have been corrupted in some manner and degree."Several of the recently leaked Climategate e-mails reveal backstage manipulations to produce a propaganda tool, the Statement of European Climate Scientists on Actions to Protect Global Climate, intended to be unveiled at the Kyoto Climate Conference. Members of the Jones Gang from East Anglia University organized efforts to get just about anyone to sign this statement to push up the numbers. In an e-mail dated 9 October 1997, Dr. Joseph Alcamo admonishes other members of the Jones Gang to forget credentials and just get signatures."