Read here. Well before the IPCC's 2007 report, the World Wildlife Fund was promulgating their bogus glacier stories to the gullible MSM and politicians:
"On March 14 [2005], Reuters shipped a story about rapid recession of the Himalayan glaciers—the largest nonpolar ice mass in the world. They quoted from a World Wildlife Fund press release stating “Himalayan glaciers are among the fastest retreating glaciers globally due to the effects of global warming....WWF timed its press release before a two-day “Energy and Environmental Ministerial Conference” in London. At this meeting the United States was (predictably) blasted because it won’t commit economic suicide by adopting the Kyoto Protocol on global warming."
What's interesting is that the IPCC had the scientific evidence that the WWF story was a massive "global warming" snow job - perpetrated by an activist environmental group that is not known to be on friendly terms with scientific truth. Temperature data from the glacier area published by the IPCC at the time showed temperatures had been trending down for over 130 years. Yes, the glaciers were retreating but they were doing so despite the obvious cooling in the region - the same phenomenon has been witnessed in other regions of the world.
"All of this leads to an obvious conclusion. Southern Greenland, Glacier National Park and the Himalayan glaciers are on there way out, with little or no nudging needed from people. They’re relics of the big ice age that ended 11,000 years ago. It’s too bad, though, that in the fight to hype global warming, the truth is also rapidly becoming another relic."