Read here and here. From the Okinawa Trough comes evidence from peer-reviewed research that finds East China Sea temperatures being much warmer than those of the second-half of the 20th century. Besides nailing the Medieval and Roman Warming periods, the existence of the Little Ice Age and Dark Ages were also confirmed to have happened on the other side of the world from Europe.
"This SST record from the East China Sea clearly reveals the millennial-scale cycling of climate that has left its mark on numerous paleoclimatic proxies throughout the world; and it suggests that the near-identical peak SSTs of the East China Sea during both the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods were probably significantly greater than those of today"
Obviously, the IPCC-Climategate paleo-scientists were wrong in their claims that these cooling/warming periods only were regionally happening in the North Atlantic. (click images to enlarge)
Other climate history postings and other historical charts. Modern temperature charts.