Read here. Although advocates of global warming like to portray climate models as science, it's fact that modeling is nothing but wishful thinking via number crunching. When a business uses an Excel spreadsheet, which incorporates a lot of complex formulas, to predict the next four quarters of sales, is that science? If it is used to predict next 30 years of sales, is that science? In reality, climate models are no more than giant, complex spreadsheets using thousands of formulas to produce non-scientific predictions - that is not science, it's number crunching much the same as what a business does.
"Most everyone has heard the recent announcement that Global Warming has been put on hold for 20 to 30 years. Earth's variable climate continues to make fools of climate scientists, obstinately refusing to follow the IPCC's climate change script. Why? Because the climate change doomsayers put their faith in computer models, not in hard science....they are still using the outputs of the same models that didn't predict the current cooling trend. The same models that have never correctly predicted Earth's climate. Climate modeling has become a crutch for a previously ignored scientific community that has been thrust into the public light by the global warming scare. They don't have real scientific answers so they use their wonky models, hope for the best and keep asking for more grant money."