Read here. Al Gore, James Hansen and other warming publicity seekers like to state that global warming causes more severe weather incidents. Unfortunately for the alarmists, their claims have been proven wrong by the empirical evidence, continuously. Add China to the list, now. Researchers discover hail storms happened less frequently concurrent with global warming increase. (click on image to enlarge)
"...the authors "chose 523 stations with complete observations from 1960 to 2005" to use in their study of "annual variations and trend[s] of hail frequency across mainland China during 1960-2005.""...."As is clearly evident in the following figure, Xie et al. report that the results of their study "show no trend in the mean Annual Hail Days (AHD) from 1960 to [the] early 1980s but a significant decreasing trend afterwards," which latter downturn, we might add, was concomitant with a warming of the globe that the world's climate alarmists claim was unprecedented over the past one to two millennia."
Other severe weather charts.