Prior to looking at whether temperatures are accelerating, what does real life "accelerating" look like? Well, it's actually not too difficult to find examples since the Federal bureaucracy and big-government politicians are advocates of liberal spending with the emphasis on accelerating. Here's a real world example of "accelerating" and it's mighty ugly, besides being hard to miss - note the slope of the green lines indicating the acceleration. (click image to enlarge)
That's what "accelerating" actually looks like but does this concept really apply to global temperatures? Is the world really reaching a climate temperature "tipping point"? Well certainly the leftists/liberals/Democrats/environmentalists want you and everyone else to believe this is so. They have already convinced the low-hanging fruit: the usual guilt-tripping, low-IQ celebrities and journalists. But for those with an actual interest in empirical science, the "accelerating" and "tipping point" hype is recognized as just that. Here's why. (click on image to enlarge)
Since real-world population and fossil fuel growth has been occurring since 1970 (well before that too) and if temperatures were really accelerating, one would expect global temperatures to quickly jump as seen with the example of healthcare spending since 1970. But instead of a 9X increase in temperatures, the world has only experienced a tiny increase in temperatures. And since 1998, global temperatures have actually declined. Going back a few years earlier, for the fourteen years since 1995, there has only been an increase of 15/100's of a degree, which is not even statistically significant (the plus/minus error is larger than that).
Clearly, as the actual temperature evidence indicates, the leftist/liberal climate alarmism is nothing more than non-scientific propaganda. Tactically, the propaganda is primarily designed to induce big-government politicians to spend and regulate in a similar fashion as the out-of-control healthcare entitlements. The simple truth? In reality, the issue is about "accelerating" spending and reaching regulatory "tipping points," not the movement of temperatures, nor the condition of the global climate.
Other modern temperature charts. Historical charts here. Climate history postings here.