Read here. If it isn't obvious by now, scientists in recent years have become totally enamored with claiming some type of causal relationship with global warming, knowing full well that the mainstream media "science reporters" will gleefully repeat the claims. The reporters will accept any scientist's press release without doing any legwork or critical thinking to determine if the "global warming" assertion pasts the smell test. Science reporters from Reuters, AP, Washington Post, Newsweek, Time and the NY Times are infamous for this type of lamebrain journalism. (click on image to enlarge)
The latest example of reporting bogus global warming claims is the spread of a killer fungus disease from Canada to the U.S. during a supposed period of global warming. The claim was made and repeated by the MSM press despite temperature records showing that the U.S. states where the fungus disease was spreading were actually cooling, not warming.
From about 1999 to 2003, the outbreak was primarily confined to Canada’s Vancouver Island, but during 2004 to 2009, instances of the disease spread to the mainland coast of British Columbia, and then southward to coastal Washington and Oregon—all locations with a relatively similar climate of wet, mild winters....If global warming were to blame, the disease ought to be moving northward into regions where it would have otherwise been too cold in years past. Moving southward because of climate change doesn’t make any sense, as the conditions for the occurrence of the disease would have already been well-established to the south.