Read here. In previous testimony given to the Senate, a climate scientist provided the following evidence that climate models don't work and should not be relied upon for policy decisions, unless being political toast is one's goal. Listening to climate model scientists and their supporters, and ignoring what really happened, is a guarantee for political 'toastdom'. (click on image to enlarge)
As the majority of voters in the U.S. have realized, these government climate model scientists/advocates have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars and still they continue to be wrong, consistently....
The voters know this because not a single scientist or climate model predicted the below temperature reality, which the voters actually experienced - temperature data courtesy of the National Climate Data Center, a NOAA agency. (click on image to enlarge)
As the chart below indicates, most voters recognize where all the "global warming" is coming from - public officials burning through tax dollars appears to be causing the significant warming trend in some parts of the country. (click on image to enlarge)
Finally, don't even think of implementing the Kerry-Lieberman climate/energy bill, especially since every expert agrees it will have about zero impact on global temperatures. (click on image to enlarge)
Why support legislation based on federal agency computer models that are disconnected from climate, economic and political reality? Why become political toast November 2010 or 2012 by supporting harmful, non-effective, Al Gore/Goldman Sachs enriching legislation because a climate model scientist told you to do so? Why believe those who are truth-challenged due to not wanting their global warming and climate change budgets reduced or eliminated?