Read here. Scientists researching the impact of AGW (no, we are not referring to Al-Gore's-Wanker) on tropical storm activity, turned their attention to the major alarmist claim that rising sea surface temperatures results in greater storm activity.
The researchers found no evidence of an increased trend in tropical storms that would support the hypothesis that CO2-induced global warming causes a greater frequency in storms.
"The five researchers report that "over the period of 1965-2008, the global TC activity, as measured by storm days, shows a large amplitude fluctuation regulated by the El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but has no trend".....Contrary to the climate-alarmist claim that global warming increases tropical storm activity on a global basis, the results of this study reveal that long-held contention to still be without merit, even with more than four decades of pertinent data in hand."