Read here. Despite the growing non-empirical speculation by AGW climate alarmist scientists and Hollywood celebrities that increased levels of CO2 in sea water would adversely affect shellfish, new research involving oysters finds their speculative predictions unable to-hold-water.
"Miller et al. report that when the larvae of both species were cultured continuously from 96 hours post fertilization for 26 to 28 days while exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations, they "appeared to grow, calcify and develop normally with no obvious morphological deformities, despite conditions of significant aragonite undersaturation," stating that these findings "run counter to expectations that aragonite shelled larvae should be especially prone to dissolution at high pCO2." More specifically, they state that "both oyster species generated larval shells that were of similar mean thickness, regardless of pCO2.....Clearly, these two calcifying organisms appear not to suffer the deleterious consequences so frequently claimed by climate alarmists to accompany the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content"