Read here. Map source here. Government funded climate scientists and Gore-led warming alarmists constantly attempt to mislead the public by implying that any present climate change is "unprecedented." Unfortunately for the alarmistas, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research documents significant climate change shifts over the last 5,000 years, with many of the shifts being of far larger magnitude. From this study of Alberta, Canada sediment cores, comes more irrefutable evidence of natural climate change prior to human CO2 emissions.
"Periods of both increasing and decreasing grain size (moisture availability) were noted throughout the 4000-year record at decadal, centennial and millennial time scales. The most predominant departures included several-centuries-long epochs that corresponded to the Little Ice Age (about AD 1500-1900), the Medieval Warm Period (about AD 700-1300), the Dark Ages Cold Period (about BC 100 to AD 700) and the Roman Warm Period (about BC 900-100).....The Pine Lake sediment record convincingly demonstrates the reality of the non-CO2-induced millennial-scale climatic oscillation that alternately brings several-century periods of dryness and wetness to the southern Alberta region of North America during concomitant periods of relative hemispheric warmth and coolness, respectively. It also demonstrates there is nothing unusual about the region's current moisture status"
Additional climate history postings.