Read here. Nasa's climate group (GISS) receives billion's of taxpayer dollars, supposedly to help us better understand the climate and global temperatures. One would have expected, and hoped, that this taxpayer largesse would result in properly placed temperature measuring instruments in the polar areas. No such luck.
Instead of creating a polar temperature sensor network, the GISS dumpkoffs decided to create magical Arctic temperatures based on temperature readings from 1,000 kilometers away. As the scientists and taxpayers are now finding, Hansen's GISS temperature fabrication methodology has produced some really off-the-wall Arctic temps.
Here's the basic reason why the Nasa polar temperature methodology will likely produce crapola. (click on image to enlarge)
So, if you had to travel to Ottawa, Canada tomorrow, would you check the weather forecast for Clarksville, Virginia some 1,000 kilometers to the south? If you're sane, like all other climate research groups, you wouldn't do that. Not so with Nasa's GISS climate group.
Special bonus feature: James Hansen's good friends who just love their CO2-spewing yacht, but hate those nasty taxes for the wealthy.
Map source: Google Earth (download here)