Read here. For the period of 2000 to 2008, deaths from all causes averaged 58 million per year. And those from severe weather events? 32,000 per year. This was a during a period when global climate change was supposedly dramatic and unprecedented, causing untold extreme death and destruction.
Yet, as a contrast, severe weather deaths averaged 485,000 per year during the 1920's, over 10 times higher than the present.
Why would the world's politicians of the left and the left/liberal biased media present the case that the world, in recent decades, has suffered untold misery at the hands of climate change when the facts are just the opposite. Why do they focus attention on only 32,000 deaths when over 58 million are dying from other major causes (starvation, malaria, cancer, etc.)?
As has been discussed before, the left-liberal-progressive-socialist agenda is one of enrichment and empowerment, for themselves. These people do not care about climate change nor global warming nor global cooling nor any actual facts. They are habitual liars about climate change because they feel that the truth will stop their momentum. That is why climate change has been blown totally out of proportion when viewed against the world's other major issues.
The severe issues that the world faces will never be solved until the left quits trying to enrich themselves via power grabs for world government control. Don't think that's a reasonable assessment of what the left is trying to accomplish? Well, read their own words and then you may finally understand the rationale behind the "climate change" farce.