Unfortunately, there are prominent AGW-agenda driven climate scientists who will claim or insinuate that specific weather events are a result of "global warming" or are "consistent" with AGW. NASA's Gavin Schmidt is such a scientist. The recent Moscow regional weather heat wave is his latest global warming insinuation:
"If you ask me as a person, do I think the Russian heat wave has to do with climate change, the answer is yes. If you ask me as a scientist whether I have proved it, the answer is no — at least not yet."
The major problem with Gavin, and scientists of his ilk, is the total disregard of actual science, such as the fact that meteorology scientists know the cause of the Russian heat wave (and the Pakistani floods); and, scientists know that this exact same type of heat wave has happened before during the 1930's.
Gavin and his friends practice a unique form of climate science malpractice by using specific weather events as stimulating climate porn, and of course, catastrophic global warming catnip.
Instead of bashing Gavin and his "science" comrades with words, let's have the visuals explain the Twilight Zone of Gavin Schmidt's climate science. Episode synopsis: In this 2010 summer episode, red-pink areas represent "GLOBAL WARMING-CLIMATE CHANGE" and the blueish areas are just your typical summer cool weather incidents. Obviously, AGW "global" climate change is just soooo fiendish because it temporarily hides in regional/local areas, never revealing itself as the "global" sinister monstrosity it actually is in Gavin's Twilight Zone.
Click on images to enlarge. Top image from here; bottom image from here.