Read here. Much to the consternation of the habitual deceivers of the IPCC paleo-climate scientist community, new research keeps piling up confirming the global extent of the Medieval Warming, and its unprecedented, huge climate-change impact. Adding insult to injury to the warming alarmists, the Medieval Global Warming was beneficial by ending the severe weather events that had led to the massive floods during the colder periods.
""In an attempt to determine the environmental origins of extreme flooding events throughout the southwestern United States, according to the author, "paleoflood records from nineteen rivers in Arizona and southern Utah, including over 150 radiocarbon dates and evidence of over 250 flood deposits, were combined to identify regional variations in the frequency of extreme floods," .....The frequency of extreme floods also increased during the early and middle portions of the first millennium AD, many of which coincided "with glacial advances and cool, moist conditions both in the western U.S. and globally." Then came a "sharp drop in the frequency of large floods in the southwest from AD 1100-1300," which corresponded, in her words, "to the widespread Medieval Warm Period, which was first noted in European historical records." With the advent of the Little Ice Age, however, there was another "substantial jump in the number of floods in the southwestern U.S.," which was "associated with a switch to glacial advances, high lake levels, and cooler, wetter conditions.""
Additional climate history postings.