Read here. Although the original Swiss article does not mention "climate science" specifically, everyone and their mama knows the AGW-based scientists have totally trashed the peer-review journal process - they are the poster boys of science corruption.
Here's but just one example of how biased the peer-reviewed journals have become due to AGW-scientist influence. How about this recent gem from the AGW scientists? And of course, there is the entire realm of Climategate, which revealed to the average layperson why the peer-reviewed process was in the crapper.
"...the peer-review process and the problems plaguing it. Peer-review has become a leading topic in science in Europe and all over the world. The NZZ starts off: Irritated by multiple scandals over the last years, many scientists are up in arms over the peer-review of scientific articles and are hoping for improvement. Many say there’s a need for reform. Scientists say manipulation is as easy as pie.....And it is unclear whether the current large-scale peer-review process yields the correct, important results every time. Also publishers and peer-reviewers can make mistakes, as hanky panky like copying text and manipulating charts is especially easy in today’s computer age."
The quickest way to clean the peer-review process is for governments to mandate the science journals to publish all data and coding associated with research that is published in the peer-reviewed journals. Of course, the science journals that propose CO2 and energy mandates on the public and industry will fight any mandates imposed on them. Too bad. Time for the whining and resistance to end. For the reputation of science and peer-reviewed journal process to be restored, the first step requires transparency. It's a simple, quick fix that will weed out the majority of bogus science, naturally.