This NASA temperature anomaly map says it all. During July, Moscow was burning up, as well as a major portion of the U.S. This is clear evidence of what the last three decades of massive human CO2 emissions has done to the global climate.
Oooops, we bad - OMG, the left image isn't for July 2010, it's for July 1936! Here on the right is the temperature anomaly map for July 2010.
Hmmm...wait a seems the July 2010 warming is not as global as the 1936 warming. Go figure.
Since everyone concurs that human CO2 emissions were not large prior to 1936, I wonder what could have caused Moscow and the U.S. to be "burning up" at the same time during the summer of '36? I wonder if natural weather patterns are responsible for this type of heat wave? Naaaah, that could never be the case.
Read here to learn the why and how of the 1936 and 2010 similarities. To summarize, the July warming has happened before and it will happen again - oh that's right, sane people call that weather.