Over at Watts Up With That, there is an interesting article about using thorium as major energy source. It would appear that a national effort to replace coal-fired energy plants over coming decades with thorium-based power generation would be an effective solution for an abundant, non-CO2 producing, reliable energy solution. Well, if that's so, why haven't you heard anything about this marvelous solution?
Two word answer: Nuclear. Greenpeace.
No matter how sane and rational the energy solution, if nuclear is mentioned, Greenpeace and other green-fanatic organizations will effectively kill it. And thorium-based power generation is a nuclear solution.
If the green fanatics hate it (nuclear), the MSM won't report on it. If the MSM won't objectively report on it, the left-liberal oriented politicians will never support it. Essentially, that's why the U.S., unlike France, still depends on fossil-fuels for the majority of its power generation.
To repeat, the U.S. still emits billions of tons of CO2 because of Greenpeace and other fanatical green organizations.
How to finally fix the problem of the U.S. achieving a clean, reliable and abundant source of energy? Americans need to quit giving money (donations, subscriptions, membership fees) to Greenpeace or any other green organization that promotes an anti-nuclear, anti-technology stance. Instead, they should give their money to legitimate green organizations that promote conservation, without the extreme leftist-liberal insanity that has caused sheer lunacy in the energy domain.
What might that exact leftist-liberal insanity be? Well, here are quotes from individuals who lead and support the radical Greenpeace-like agenda. Read the quotes carefully - these people are either insane or incredible control-freaks. It is these crazed, leftist-greenies who have prevented the U.S., and the world, from developing the clean, abundant and reliable power generation needed.
In a nutshell, here is the philosophy of the crazed green-left. Whenever a fanatic speaks against nuclear energy (or other advanced technology), you can be sure his/her touchstone is one of the below:
1. Humans are evil
2. More humans are even worse
3. Technology is evil
4. More technology is even worse
5. Economic growth is evil
6. More economic growth is even worse
7. Prosperity is evil
8. More prosperity is even worse
9. Poverty, in all its forms, is good
10. More poverty, in all its forms, is the best