Read here. Seriously, one has to wonder about the sanity of psychologists and their stunning inability to distinguish between the hysterical alarmist claims of truly crazy people and green groups that proselytize global warming, versus the actual, real scientific evidence regarding global warming - warming is not unprecedented, nor accelerating, nor global.
Instead of challenging the fanatical greens, the anti-democracy, the anti-growth, the anti-poverty, and the alarmist anti-science forces that promote the global warming hysterics, both UK and American psychologists want to develop propaganda and manipulative psychological tactics to literally green-brainwash the vast majority of the skeptical public.
In essence, trained psychologists want to promote/embellish irrational fear rather than inhibiting/tempering it. That technique has been used before on the public with ugly consequences.
“People aren’t stupid: they know that if there are wholesale changes in the global climate underway, these will not be reversed merely through checking their tyre pressures or switching their TV off standby. An emphasis upon simple and painless steps suppresses debate about those necessary responses that are less palatable – that will cost people money, or that will infringe on cherished freedoms (such as to fly). Recognising this will be a key step in accepting the reality of loss of aspects of our current lifestyles, and in beginning to work through the powerful emotions that this will engender.....Through the enhanced awareness of what other people are doing, a strong sense of collective purpose can be engendered. One factor that is likely to influence whether adaptive or maladaptive coping strategies are selected in response to fear about climate change is whether people feel supported by a social network – that is, whether a sense of ‘sustainable citizenship’ is fostered.....A nationwide climate change engagement project using a group-based behaviour change model with members of Trade Union networks is currently underway..."