Over the past week, the Obama administration has introduced the new terminology of "climate disruption" in order to advance the necessary fear-mongering that elites of big government and big business plan to literally prosper from. Much like the war armament merchants of decades past, who hyped the potential of war in order to sell more arms, the merchants of "evil" global warming do the same.
Luckily, modern fear-mongering has become less effective, as evidenced by the recent desperate changes from "global warming" to "climate change" to today's idiotic phrase of "climate disruption." (Note: vote for next scary Obama/Democrat phrase to be used when "climate disruption" is thrown under the bus.) Obviously, this newest terminology now allows the merchants to claim any weather event as human caused (ie, caused by human CO2 emissions), which liberal Democrats hope to enrich and empower themselves by using.
The good news for the world's populace though, is that severe, extreme weather events have caused less fatalities over the past two decades, which includes events defined as tropical cyclones. If modern global warming is causing more disastrous and fatal climate cyclonic disruptions as claimed and predicted, the empirical evidence suggests otherwise.