Read here. The latest peer-reviewed research discovers that the predicted increase in flooding for the eastern part of the U.S., due to "global warming," has not occurred.
As the empirical scientific research grows, the results keep confirming that the climate is not responding consistent with AGW climate model predictions.
"In the words of the authors, they "examined the distribution of flood peaks for the eastern United States using annual maximum flood peak records from 572 U.S. Geological Survey stream gaging stations with at least 75 years of observations.".....Of even greater interest to the climate change debate, however, were their more basic findings that (1) "only a small fraction of stations exhibited significant linear trends," that (2) "for those stations with trends, there was a split between increasing and decreasing trends," and that (3) "no spatial structure was found for stations exhibiting trends." Thus, they were literally forced to conclude, most importantly of all, that (4) "there is little indication that human-induced climate change has resulted in increasing flood magnitudes for the eastern United States.""
Other severe weather postings. Other climate model failure postings.