Read here. Over the recent past, IPCC climate alarmist scientists were predicting that the Amazon would suffer incredible shrinkage and losses from the increasing levels of CO2. As is often the case, the Amazonia speculative predictions appear to be without any merit - it would seem, the IPCC climate scientists' predictions just can't stand up to litmus test of empirical (non-computer model) scientific research.
"Three recent papers appearing in leading scientific journals spell trouble for the alarmists’ claims about global warming and the precious and delicate Amazon rainforest.....Saleska et al. used satellite-based measurements and much to their surprise, they found that forest canopy “greenness” over the drought-stricken areas increased at a highly significant rate. They conclude that “These observations suggest that intact Amazon forests may be more resilient than many ecosystem models assume, at least in response to short-term climatic anomalies.”.....Getting right to the bottom line, they [Laurance et al.] report that “Forest biomass also increased over time, with the basal area of trees in our plots, which correlate strongly with tree biomass, rising by 4% on average.”.....“The increasing forest dynamics, growth, and basal area observed are broadly consistent with the CO2 fertilization hypothesis.”.....Lapola et al. conclude “Biome projections for the end of the century in tropical South America are quite variable, depending not only on the climate scenario, but also on the effect of CO2 fertilization on photosynthesis."..... If the CO2 fertilization does in fact occur (and 1,000s of experiments suggest it is occurring and will occur in the future), “most of Amazonia would remain the same.”