Read here. The news media pooh-poohed the leftist, green fanatic who took hostages at the Discovery building in Maryland, but realistically, he was a recent indicator of the current violence and hate that liberals/progressives and Democrats have unleashed on the unsuspecting public. The Left is in an angry uproar about the fact that few, if any, really fear global warming. This anger is manifesting itself as violence against the public, and especially those who disagree with their big-government, anti-liberty solutions.
The Left, worldwide, has become emotionally ill. Case in point, watch the video below (and don't forget this sick Greenpeace video). Note how leftists and progressives of the entertainment and sports world are participating in violent videos that reveal how they would deal with those who dare to disagree - it's their own "final solution." Amazingly, their embrace of violence even extends to murdering children.
- Update: Well, well, well.....the leftist-green, human-hating 10:10 organization appears to have changed their "I dream of violence" YouTube vid from a public video to a private-viewing only video. It would seem the Left/progressive/Democrat violence perverts have been publicly embarrassed but still desire private showings of their video. Did we say sick yet?
- Update: The video is back on YouTube from a different source - h/t: The Reference Frame
- Update: The 10:10 organization offers an explanation of why video was removed
Understand, these are mainstream leftists-liberals-Democrats encouraging violence against others. The Left is seriously sick and should no longer be allowed near the levers of power. This type of sickness has previously proven to lead to mass genocide tactics and totalitarian regimes. For the U.S., it's time to remove all Democrat incumbents from office via the peaceful ballot box this coming November, before the level of Democrat/Left/liberal violence and hate escalates even further.
Update: From the Left, more evidence of the Left's inclination towards violence and totalitarianism.
Update: Famous physicist weighs in on Left's "I dream of violence" video.