Read here and here. Historical evidence from peer-reviewed studies indicates that the worst famines were experienced during droughts of climate cooling phases. When the world experienced global warming phases, drought induced famines, and the subsequent deaths, declined.
"In analyzing the linkages they [Zhang et al.] found to exist among these different factors, the international (Chinese, French, German, Norwegian) team of researchers concluded that "food production during the last two millennia has been more unstable during cooler periods, resulting in more social conflicts," while specifically noting that "cooling shows direct positive association with the frequency of external aggression war to the Chinese dynasties mostly from the northern pastoral nomadic societies, and indirect positive association with the frequency of internal war within the Chinese dynasties through drought and locust plagues," which have typically been more pronounced during cooler as opposed to warmer times." [Zhang, Z., Tian, H., Cazelles, B., Kausrud, K.L., Brauning, A. Guo, F. and Stenseth, N.C. 2010]
The actual empirical evidence undeniably shows that the world has not suffered a major death-drought over the past two decades, when modern global warming was at its peak. (click on image to enlarge)
Note: 20th century famines primarily due to political reasons initiated by totalitarian, leftist regimes (Soviet Union, North Korea, and China) are not included in the above chart.