Read here. Big government bureaucrats, whose entire careers are based on incompetence and wasting billions of tax dollars, have now decided that students should learn about the government's inaccurate, non-reliable, CO2-centric computer climate models.
Are they really unreliable and inaccurate? Well, the facts do speak for themselves. As everyone knows from real world day-to-day experience, weather computer models are notoriously inaccurate for weather projections out past a few days. Seasonal forecasts by weather/climate models are even worse, to the point that experts are no longer relying on them. It has become established scientific fact that the inaccuracy of computer model's increases exponentially over time, making them entirely useless as thermometer predictors for any future period.
The good news though about NASA's "education" initiative? Ultimately, this will allow students to start learning just how incompetent and politicized government paid scientist-bureaucrats are, plus provide a solid eye-witness experience for not trusting the bogus, virtual-world, computer models, especially the climate model variety. That's what's great about the internet. As students start researching climate science and climate models, they will find accurate and objective analysis that will totally refute the NASA bureaucrat-scientist propaganda pushed into the classroom.
To help get students started on the road to a honest and truthful climate model education, we present the following:
There is not a single government sponsored climate model, nor government paid NASA/NOAA scientist, that predicted the above significant temperature cooling scenario (forecast) over the past decade for the large landmass that the U.S. continental states represent.
In Senate testimony during the summer of 1988, a NASA scientist testified that his GISS climate model's predicted temperatures will accelerate to much higher levels if the world's governments did nothing about reducing CO2 emissions. In reality, as the temperature data above shows, actual temperatures in 2009 were about the same as in 1988, some twenty years later.
h/t: Real Science. The above temperature prediction map from NASA's climate models shows Antarctica temperatures increasing 6 to 10 degrees Celsius from 1960 to 2060, over large swaths of the ice continent. It's been 50 years since 1960 and the overall trend of Antarctica temperatures has been a stable to a tiny cooling trend, just the opposite of what climate models predicted.
Finally, what do the climate models actually predict about global temperatures that NASA does not reveal to students or to the general public? If the U.S. reduced CO2 emissions by 80%, global temperatures would be impacted by an almost unmeasurable 3/10's of a degree. In other words, the climate reality is that the climate policy (reducing CO2 emissions) that NASA promotes (and that the climate models were specifically designed to support) will literally have no impact on the climate, per the government's own climate models. Did we say SNAFU?
For students new to the massive waste and incredible incompetence of government bureaucrats and scientists, welcome to the real world!