Read here. Map source here. Japanese scientists working with historical data and documents determine that the extended Medieval Warming had temperatures exceeding current temps by at least one-half degree in Kyoto. Their research also confirms that the Medieval Warming was global in nature, not just a northern Europe climate condition as speculated by IPCC Climategate scientists.
"The authors investigated documents and diaries from the ninth to the fourteenth centuries to supplement phenological data series pertaining to the flowering of Japanese cherry trees in Kyoto, Japan, "to improve and fill gaps in temperature estimates based on previously reported phenological data," after which they "reconstructed a nearly continuous series of March mean temperatures based on 224 years of cherry flowering data, including 51 years of previously unused data, to clarify springtime climate changes.".....The resulting temperature reconstruction "showed two warm temperature peaks of 7.6°C and 7.1°C, in the middle of the tenth century and at the beginning of the fourteenth century, respectively," and they say that "the reconstructed tenth century temperatures are somewhat higher than present temperatures"...[Yasuyuki Aono, Shizuka Saito 2009: International Journal of Biometeorology]
Additional climate history postings. Historical temperature charts here.