Read here. One of the most blatant lies spread by global warming alarmists is the one that warmer temperatures always cause an increase in deaths. There is no empirical evidence to support such a claim, but that hasn't stopped the leftists/liberals/progressives/Democrats from lying to the public about this issue.
Will this new study stop the lying by Democrats? Not likely, but for those who prefer objective science to propaganda, this study clearly indicates warmer temperatures enhance life expectancy - there are less cardiac/respiratory/digestive related deaths when its warmer. This might explain why there is a mass migration by U.S. natives to warmer states of Arizona,Texas and Florida, away from the colder U.S. states. (click on image to enlarge)
"...authors obtained meteorological data from weather stations situated in eight of the provincial capitals that covered the period 1980-1998, while they obtained contemporary mortality data from the country's National Institute for Statistics for deaths associated with cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system diseases.....Various analyses of the monthly-averaged data revealed a number of interesting results. First, for all three of the disease types studied, Fernandez-Raga et al. found that "the death rate is about 15% higher on a winter's day than on a summer's day," which they describe as "a result often found in previous studies,".....The data clearly demonstrate that the people of the Castile-Leon region of Spain are much more likely to die from a cardiovascular disease in the extreme cold of winter than in the extreme heat of summer. And the same holds true with respect to dying from respiratory and digestive system diseases: cold is a much greater killer of people than heat is almost everywhere in the world..."
Additional death from AGW-hysteria postings.