Click on photo for "polar bear" story. Sooooo......remembering that the UK's Royal Society has managed to turn a great nation of thinkers into the land of hysterical blithering idiots, it now decides that the Alice In Wonderland climate science its been promulgating is not really tied to scientific appears they are abandoning the AGW consensus - read here.
Well, a belated bully for them, as well as a Yank's, "it's about time" dumb a****.
Does the Royal Society decision mean it's joining Phil Jones in a new UK reassessment of the hysterical global warming hype that the United Nation's IPCC claims is "science"? Or, is it a case that the Royal Society is hedging its bets as global cooling becomes more of a reality? Or, is it a result of reading-the-tea-leaves from the recent survey of climate scientists? Or, did the Scientific American/Nature poll about lack of trusting scientists on climate change push them out of the hole? We'll probably never know for sure but it's most definitely a welcome and needed change.
The downside to the Royal Society climbing out of the rabbit hole? We may no longer get the UK howlers their idiot MSM reporters produce, such as the beached "polar bear" image above. (click on image for source)