Read here. Democrat politicians decided to crush the incandescent light bulb manufacturing sector in the U.S. as a required sacrifice to the fanatical religion practiced by the left's global warming activists. Democrat politicians pursued this goal even knowing that if every U.S. household quit using incandescent bulbs immediately, there would be absolutely zero impact on global warming, or cooling for that matter.
Regardless of climate scientific facts, leftist/liberal politicians decided to kill U.S. light bulb manufacturing and thus transfer good American jobs to the gargantuan environmental hellhole commonly known as China. (click on images to enlarge; source of images, plus more images)
Of course, in return for having these "evil" U.S. jobs transferred to China, we get crappy CFL bulbs, laden with dangerous mercury, producing inferior light, at a higher cost per bulb, and they don't nearly last as long as advertised. (Just the opposite of what compnaies like GE claim for their Chinese light bulbs.)
Want to increase more American job loss to China, and at the same time increase global pollution from the Chinese? Just vote Democratic, the loyal party of the Chinese Full Employment/Pollution Act - it's really as simple as that.