Read here. We've discussed global cooling in many prior posts. If natural cycles push the world to a cooling tipping point, humanity is not prepared for the devastation because of the vast sums of money and time wasted by the elites on the CO2 global warming boogieman.
Have the elites finally awoken to their incredible bungling? Time to identify and list those elites responsible for gross incompetence?
"Let me explain briefly why this is a bombshell waiting to explode.
Almost every government in the Western world from the USA to Britain to all the other EU states to Australia and New Zealand is currently committed to a policy of “decarbonisation.” This in turn is justified to (increasingly sceptical) electorates on the grounds that man-made CO2 is a prime driver of dangerous global warming and must therefore be reduced drastically, at no matter what social, economic and environmental cost. In the Eighties and Nineties, the global elite had a nice run of hot weather to support their (scientifically dubious) claims. But now they don’t. Winters are getting colder. Fuel bills are rising (in the name of combating climate change, natch). The wheels are starting to come off the AGW bandwagon. Ordinary people, resisting two decades of concerted brainwashing, are starting to notice.
All this, of course, spells big trouble for the global power elite."