Read here and here. Why would a German corporation (one that was recently raided by criminal investigators) publicly spread falsehoods about the bogus hockey stick science that has been so discredited? The very simple answer: CARBON P-R-O-F-I-T-S.
Deutsche Bank, like another German corporation, will go to any lengths to assure their profits from government subsidized green energy and CO2 emissions trading, including fabricating lies about the fully discredited 'hockey stick' science.
Much time has been spent investigating Mann's 'hockey stick', and a marvelous book has been written about its bogosity and the hack Climategate scientists behind it. Two separate investigations by U.S. authorities eventually discredited this science to the point where the IPCC was forced to omit it from its 2007 report.
As a reminder, the infamous 'hockey stick' was an attempt by Climategate scientists to literally fabricate a false temperature record that would show modern temperatures as being "unprecedented," even when compared to the Medieval Warming Period. Their clownish version of "science" included doing the following to accomplish this objective for the IPCC and its reports:
- 1. Utilized a discredited statistical technique that selected tree ring records that exhibited a sharp 20th century increase (the hockey stick "blade") - plus excluding those tree ring records that had a lack of 20th century warming
- 2. Included tree species that exhibited a sharp 20th century increase, which all tree ring experts knew were not a response to higher temperatures but to other factors (mainly to the increase of CO2 fertilization)
- 3. Utilized a bogus statistical technique that over-weighted tree-ring records that exhibited a sharp 20th century increase, by at least 390 times
- 4. The rapid 20th century "blade" temperature increase totally disappears when the above three points are properly corrected
- 5. Michael Mann, and authors of subsequent hockey stick look-alike studies, withheld the key r2 statistical validation measurement of their temperature reconstructions for a critical reason - the extremely low r2 of their studies statistically proved their proxy temperature reconstructions were worthless (statistically insignificant)
- 6. Michael Mann, and authors of subsequent hockey stick look-alike studies, withheld the key data, algorithms and software used in their proxy reconstructions to eliminate the possibility that other scientists would ever challenge their findings
- 7. Michael Mann and other paleo-climate scientists conspired to misrepresent/hide other proxy temperature reconstructions that did not exhibit a sharp 20th century increase - commonly referred to as "Mike's trick" and the "hide the decline" tactic.
An example of this last point can be seen in the graphs below, which clearly represent an attempt to brazenly mislead the public about the true nature of modern and Medieval temperatures. (click on images to enlarge)
Of course, Deutsche Bank has a history of embracing crank policies that enrich their coffers - as do other wealthy investors who share the same history. Is Deutsche Bank again inserting itself into politics at the expense of truth and freedoms? Read carefully the top two links and it becomes readily apparent the falsehoods and misinformation that Deutsche Bank is attempting to disseminate about discredited global warming science.
Unfortunately for DB, there is a wealth of peer-reviewed studies over the last several years that makes a shambles of the IPCC's catastrophic AGW-hypothesis, which btw, the public no longer believes, despite the continuing Aryan corporate propaganda done in the name of greed.