Read here. Insurance companies are seeking any means to increase premiums and profits. One of the current favorite approaches is to conjure up potential disaster scenarios, due to "consensus" global warming science, so that consumer/business insurance premiums can be raised with "expert consensus" justification, so as not to run afoul of regulators.
"RMS said the change that drove Florida property insurance bills to record highs was based on "scientific consensus."
To accomplish this task, all it takes is to rent a few climate "expert" bodies for an afternoon and ask them predict natural disasters based on their simplistic religion (ooops, hypothesis) that human CO2 causes global warming, which then supposedly causes more disasters. These are the great, scientific, climate expert minds at work, on the behalf of insurance companies seeking greater profits. (Hmmm....does RICO apply to insurance companies and their scientist collaborators?)
Turns out the "experts" were totally wrong, but what the only cost those pesky, ingrate consumers/businesses some additional $82 billion in hurricane premiums and policy cancellations.
Image source. Additional postings about global warming and severe weather. Severe weather charts.