'Big Green' and its comrades have proven themselves capable of some the most outlandish lies in their incessant promotion of global governance, regulation and taxation of CO2 emissions. Possibly the biggest of lies is the one that today's modern temperatures are "unprecedented," never before warmer.
This big lie is the linchpin for all the associated hysterical, non-empirical, over-the-top, catastrophic predictions that are made by Big Green. Of course, when the actual, empirical, scientific data is actually considered, the big lie of "unprecedented" is shown to be a blatant falsehood.
As the graphs below reveal, there has been a general decline in polar temperatures over the last 10,000 years. Modern temperatures at both poles are well below their historical peaks.
Simply put, this means both humans and polar bears survived and adapted to warmer temperatures in the recent geological past. In addition, ice sheets outlasted extended periods of significantly higher temperatures in the past. (click on images to enlarge)
The other lie that the empirical evidence exposes as pseudo-science is that CO2 is the primary driving force of climate and temperature change. The ice core evidence is a stunning record of climate and temperature changing regardless of CO2 levels. Obviously, there are other natural forces in play that are the primary "climate disruptors."
That's not to say that human CO2 emissions have no part in modern warming, but it is more likely that a trace gas, like CO2, only has a trace affect on global temperatures and climate.
Notes: The average daily Vostok temperature (1958-2010) is the 2010 data-point for the Antarctica chart. The 2010 Greenland Summit temperature data point is average temperature of recent January through December monthly temperatures (added for modern context). The light gray columns in both charts represent CO2 levels, with 2010 estmated level (added for modern context) being the black column on far right.
YBP (years-before-present) figures were adjusted accordingly with use of year 2010 as end point.
Historical temperature charts. Other climate history postings. Modern temperature charts. List of peer-reviewed study postings.