Read here and here. Climate alarmist "scientists," such as Heidi Cullen, Barbara Boxer and Scarlett Johansson loudly proclaim that accelerating sea level rise, of anywhere from 36 inches to 240 inches, will swamp coastal areas and cause massive death and destruction.
Fortunately for the rest of humanity, the brain-dead-bimbo brigade is totally clueless about the ongoing scientific research on sea levels and the latest empirical evidence. The most recent peer-reviewed research finds that the GRACE satellite measurements have sea levels increasing on average only 4 inches per century (1mm per year).
This latest empirical evidence confirms what leading sea level experts and C-AGW skeptics have been saying for years: Al Gore'ian predictions of catastrophic, accelerating sea level increases are B.S. (click on image to enlarge)
Additional sea level postings. More peer-reviewed research postings.
Riva et al. 2010 [Riccardo E. M. Riva, Jonathan L. Bamber, David A. Lavallée & Bert Wouters]