Read here and here. Defeated by a candidate that did not share his NY Times' view of the climate change terror, the soon-to-be former Congressman Bob Inglis never was able to figure out that "global warming" was almost entirely fabricated by government scientists in their attempt to assure a stable source of research funding.
In his own state of South Carolina, it's very easy to see the fabrication of warming, yet because of Congressman Bob's stupidity and mental laziness, he was never able to distinguish between fact and science fiction. As a result of his stupidity and laziness, he got his keister booted from the D.C. country club by his electorate who were fed up with big government idiocy that has been unleashed on the public.
Soooo...where's that modern "global warming" that terrifies him? Well, it's certainly not in the actual temperature readings. One can only conjure up scary warming if the temperatures are "adjusted" - also known as fabricating, Bob. (click on images to enlarge)
Both of these South Carolina temperature charts are similar to all of those across the U.S. The actual raw temperature readings will show that recent temperatures are below those earlier in the 20th century. In order to create the modern "unprecedented" global warming, government "scientists" lowered the earlier 20th century temperatures and then raised the more recent temperatures.
And, it's also easy to spot the bogosity of these temperature adjustments since there is always a span somewhere in the middle (between the dotted green lines on these 2 charts) that reveals very little, if not zero, temperature adjustments being done.
The 'crooks and liars' of national climate research centers across the globe have generated these bogus adjustments, which are now finally being exposed as the leading cause of "global warming," not human CO2.
Why has it taken so long to expose the global temperature fabrications? A couple of reasons. First, you have MSM science reporters who are basically clueless and do nothing but press-release-reporting (they read a scientist's press release and then repeat what it says - like a trained parrot). Another reason is the fact there are a lot of politicians like Bob Inglis who are too stupid and too lazy to do their job properly.
In his next career, don't be surprised if Bob becomes the newest ex-Republican to become a 'Big Green' shill, or even a science-parrot reporter - both careers seemingly require personalities with high stupidity and laziness quotients.
Notes: South Carolina temperature graphs can be found here. The above has the adjusted temperature chart (black curves) superimposed on the raw temperature chart (red curves).
Additional temperature fabrication charts. Hundreds of peer-reviewed climate science studies that both Bob Inglis and MSM reporters are clueless about. Go here to see real unprecedented temperatures.