Read here. UK elites and scientists have made some incredibly stupid statements over the years about global warming, with one of dumbest being that alligators will be "basking" off Sweden. Now we have a group of UK "scientists" speculating that global warming might actually cause spontaneous combustion, in spite of the massive global cooling conditions that are currently plaguing civilization. Seriously, the Brits are talking about "spontaneous combustion," just like what might be found in a Harry Potter wizard fantasy.
"A fast-warming world could transform those peatlands into a "compost bomb" that would dump huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, British researchers have calculated.....The rapid rise in the temperature of peat that would follow the "compost bomb" scenario could even cause spontaneous combustion..."
The literal AGW-craziness that has consumed the UK science community has now advanced to some bizarre combination of mad cow deranged Monty Pythonism. The good news is that this level of UK bizarreness delivered the Climategate death blow to Copenhagen last year, and will do the same to the Cancun climate conference this year. Hey, thank goodness for small favors - in this case, the UK's natural island in-bred idiocy.
Note to incoming congressional Republicans: Any U.S. taxpayer dollars that are financing UK scientists should be stopped immediately. Every single UK scientist (all UK scientists, not just the climate research scientists) deserves to be cutoff permanently from the U.S. research money spigot. Not a single U.S. taxpayer dollar should ever be spent on any UK research effort in the future. Cutting the parasitical Brit scientists off once-and-for-all will prove your bona fides that you are serious about curtailing worthless waste and frivolous spending. Cutting the Brits off is an instant winner for the voters (name one voter in your district who would object) and a win-win for real science, not the Hogwart type the UK scientists embrace.